Wow 2020; what a year for the Titan Power Airsoft Division!
2020 has been a HUGE year for Titan! Titan would like to thank our business partners and above all our fans and users. Actually, all who have supported, promoted and pushed the brand in the past couple of years. Daily we receive really positive feedback on our products, and this is what keeps us going, pushing us to even further enhance our products and customer service. That support is MUCH appreciated!
We have seen tremendous growth in both Europe, USA and Canada. We opened up new markets in Australia (GelBlasters), Chile and Argentina. We launched Version 7 at Shot Show 2020 and mid 2020 Version 8 saw its daylight. We have seen some great collaborations and recommendations product wise. Also, joint effort to push the Airsoft T-Plug initiative and the community as a whole. This is what makes the Airsoft community amazing!
Also, a very special thanks to those working hard to make all this happen. The team at our USA production facility! Yes, we also had some rough times during COVID, working from home and helping with our Face Shield Initiative. And boy we did have plenty of challenges during our growth. As a team we got it done, thank you so much! What a year 2020 has been!
2021 is approaching fast, we have a VERY exciting year ahead with multiple major announcements to make! We can't wait to share some of this news with you in the new year! Stay tuned…
For now it time to re-charge our batteries ;)
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!
From Trent and Ronald and the team at Titan Power, to you and your families.