Dear Customers, Dealers, Partners, Fans and Friends,
We at Titan would like to pass our warmest regards to yourselves, your families and your businesses in this time of unprecedented uncertainty. Businesses and entire industries are being placed under immense strain by the COVID-19 outbreak and we have no doubt that the effects will be felt for some considerable time even after the pandemic has passed.
Despite this, Titan remains open and fully operational!
Our staff are working very hard to ensure a high level of service and the continuation of business we all come to know and rely on. We understand that in some regions, consumer activity is heavily impacted or outright ceased. In sensitivity to this, we understand that some businesses will have no capability nor reason to purchase.
In contrast to this, we understand that in other regions, many businesses DO have a steady stream of custom through various routes and it’s these businesses that we would like to recall in particular; Titan is still operating!
We are operational at full speed, we moved all our production to people's homes (this took a lot of work) so people could keep their jobs. We are cleaning our offices like crazy! All finished products are locked away for 7 days prior to shipping to make sure they are 100% clean!
As always, GetTitanPower.com and TitanEurope.eu remain open and operational. Any orders placed through these websites will be processed within a few business days.
We are also on a special mission to help the people who need help most in this period; we are printing custom face shields for our local hospitals (by a Swedish open-source initiative #3DVFaceShield). We are now assembling 50+ face shields a day and are happy to expand when needed.
Once again, Titan extends their warmest regards and best wishes to you, your families and your businesses at this challenging time! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or business concerns.
Stay Home - Stay Safe!
Best Regards,
Trent, Matt, Tonya, Ronald
UPDATE 18/10/2020
Production Face Shields ended!!
The production of Face Shields has ended on October 18. There are still several hundred pieces in stock, so that a limited number of requests can still be honored. Thanks to the companies that have deployed production capacity and of course to all sponsors. Without the sponsors, this action would not have been possible.
In the early days of the coronavirus outbreak, there was an acute shortage of protective equipment. When it became clear to the initiators under which appalling conditions the medical staff had to work, the production capacity for Face Shields was started up by the initiators. This was on a pro bono basis. Primary production costs could be paid thanks to a number of sponsors. Many thanks for this. In the past 3 months, approximately 2000 Face Shields have been delivered to the following organizations, among others: Corona Triage Team Tilburg, Thebe Breda, JBZ, Rijnstate hospital, Rivierenland Hospital, De Wever Group Tilburg, MMC Veldhoven, Albert Schweitzer Hospital Group, Zuyderland MC , Outpatient lung diseases, ASVZ, Antonius hospital, UMC Utrecht, Haga hospital, SZR Tiel, Diagnovum, SZR Westlede, STMR Westerhof, STMR Walstede.
No application for Face Shields has been received in the past week. On the one hand because the number of infections has drastically decreased and on the other hand, the stock of protective agents by the LCH is in order. This makes it possible to meet the needs of the medical authorities in a regular manner. It has been decided to end production, but all participating companies will make their production capacity available again if this is necessary in the coming period in the event of a possible second wave of the corona virus.
Thanks again to all sponsors.
Titan Europe - Ronald Meeuwissen
ComBat Airsoft / Trauma Clean - Maikel Lindsen
AirsoftCenter.nl - Ricardo Mulder
IAI Industrial Systems - David Meuken
Joachim Dekkers
Alex Maasdam
Lucas van Beers
Planet Airsoft - Sam van Hoof